7+ Fun Drive By Parade Birthday Invitation Templates

by Andrew

          These days, we couldn’t put so much attention to any special events, because you already knew it too well. With bunch of sad things happened for the past 12 months, we couldn’t argue the important of keeping safe distance and avoid any physical contact with other.

          Meanwhile, the rise of demand of more lucrative and creative way to conduct celebration event in safest manner. One of them would be something that mostly people nowadays won’t ever hear it, at least in my neighborhood. It’s Drive by party, where your guests will be lining up in front of your house, waving – yelling – honking to your birthday boy/girl.

          This following template was also used the same concept or theme as we have talked it before. With a little twist of featuring the latest trends, the Drive by parade was made for you, everyone. Here is how it looks,


7+ Fun Drive By Parade Birthday Invitation Templates and has


7+ Fun Drive By Parade Birthday Invitation Templates and has colorful balloons


7+ Fun Drive By Parade Birthday Invitation Templates and has Bunting flags


7+ Fun Drive By Parade Birthday Invitation Templates and has Birthday gift boxes


7+ Fun Drive By Parade Birthday Invitation Templates


7+ Fun Drive By Parade Birthday Invitation Templates and has Cars lined up


7+ Fun Drive By Parade Birthday Invitation Templates and has Kids on parade


It portrays cute scene where the kids are walking and playing their instrument in line and there is also a couple of cars which already decorated with colorful balloons and gift boxes to make it even more cheerful. Those are the least parts, because the other element which was the pre-written text, I have made for you. Those texts were painted in various soft colors and used such adorable styles.

Download Instruction

  1. Choose your favorite template.
  2. Right Click your selected templates – Wait for a moment.
  3. Then Right click once again – Choose “Save Image As”.
  4. Locate where the file will be saved in your device and tap “Enter”.

Additional Tips

Once the download has finished, check the file by open it using either Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Word or Ms. Paint/Paint 3d (Windows 10). If you have already been familiar with editing before, I think you should use Adobe Photoshop, meanwhile, if you don’t have any experience in editing, Microsoft is great enough for you. Anyway, if you had any questions, feel free to ask it by writing it in the comment box down below. I’ll reach and give the answer as soon as possible.

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