7+ Sparkling Shimmer And Shine Birthday Invitation Templates

by Andrew

Shimmer and shine is a beautiful hit for kids, no matter age or gender and for good reason: it’s adorable! Who’s here doesn’t appreciate the cute twin that love to play with her friends, sing a song that you can’t get out of your head, and a talking gibbon monkey? So, with all that good stuff going on, lots of kids nowadays are asking their parents for a Shimmer and Shine themed birthday party.

Boom Zahramay! A baby shower party is on the way. Today, is a great day to spend your day to make your first party invitation. This Shimmer and shine is all about kids. It’s great for boy and girl. A sparkling invitation for your sparkling party. This template has cute pink base layer (background). On the top section, you’re going to notice cute image of Shimmer and Shine.

Have you made your choice?


7+ Sparkling Shimmer And Shine Birthday Invitation Templates with dooly


7+ Sparkling Shimmer And Shine Birthday Invitation Templates with Tala the monkey


7+ Sparkling Shimmer And Shine Birthday Invitation Templates with


7+ Sparkling Shimmer And Shine Birthday Invitation Templates


7 Shimmer And Shine Birthday Invitation Templates For Kids Birthday


7 Shimmer And Shine Birthday Invitation Templates For Girls Birthday


7 Shimmer And Shine Baby Shower Invitation Templates


          If you already had something in your mind, then the next step would be downloading our template to your device. To download our template, isn’t that hard, by the way, you just need to “Right-Click” each one of your selection, and Select “Save Image As” and tap “Enter” to start. Once the download is finished, you can open the file through third-party apps, such Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Paint or even using Online Image/Photo Editor.

How to Insert Text in Ms. Word

  • Open the file first. Firstly, open Microsoft Word 2007 or later version, then go to Insert > Picture.
  • After that, go to Insert once more, then click “Text Box” > Simple Text Box.
  • Now you are able to write your own text and also able to move elsewhere.

Low on budget?

Then this Budget-friendly Party Favor is for you!

  • Put together gift bags with inexpensive candles and candle holders for a useful gift your guests will love.
  • Make vanilla sugar (with sugar and vanilla beans) in decorative jars with personalized labels.
  • If you go for tea parties, you can give them a tea towel as a gift.

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