7+ Creative Geometric Birthday Invitation Templates

by Andrew

          To make you feel more confidence while showing how much effort you have spent for months to make your party great, your party stationery is the best way to boost your moral and mood. I’d say invitation card is essential part that make any events slightly or hardly different between each other.

          There is no exact guide that strict you to do this and that. Meanwhile, there are tremendous numbers of “ways” to adorn your party. If you love Modern Art, then you can pick a few elements for your party, such as Geometric and Watercolor design. The following example features one of the best Geometric Art in form of 7+ gorgeous 7+ template designs.


7+ Creative Geometric Birthday Invitation Templates and has solid white background


          Today’s design was kind of special for me, it was undeniably something new for me. Despite the mind-blowing looks that this template had, there is a couple of thing that you need to give an extra attention for it, as I said before, this template was packed with bunch of stuff, like Line Art, Geometric Shapes, Dots art and many more. If you take a closer look to it, you will notice even more. The concept of this template is quite simple, it has kind of Colorful yet look so Modern to depict “sleek” looks that these days’ market adored it so much.  


7 Modern Geometric Shapes Baby Shower Invitation Templates 1


7+ Creative Geometric Birthday Invitation Templates


7 Hand Drawn Geometric Shapes Themed Birthday Invitation Templates 1


7 Hand Drawn Abstract Geometric Shapes Modern Style Birthday Invitation Templates 1


7 Geometric Shapes Baby Shower Invitation Templates 1


7 Geometric Shapes Baby Shower Invitation Templates 2 1


7 Artistic Geometric Shapes Birthday Invitation Templates 1


7 Aesthetic Birthday Invitation Templates With Geometric Shapes Concept 1


7 Abstract Geometric Shapes Birthday Invitation Templates 1


          If you already had something in your mind, then the next step would be downloading our template to your device. To download our template, isn’t that hard, by the way, you just need to “Right-Click” each one of your selection, and Select “Save Image As” and tap “Enter” to start. Once the download is finished, you can open the file through third-party apps, such Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Paint or even using Online Image/Photo Editor.

How to Insert Text in Ms. Word

  • Open the file first. Firstly, open Microsoft Word 2007 or later version, then go to Insert > Picture.
  • After that, go to Insert once more, then click “Text Box” > Simple Text Box.
  • Now you are able to write your own text and also able to move elsewhere.


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