7+ Happy Care Bears Kids Birthday Invitation Templates

by Andrew

          Whether you’re celebrating from near or afar, here are some the most loved ideas by many, to not only create very own and unique Care Bears themed celebration, but you can also go swiftly and firmly with the adorable party supplies for the best cheer!

          We want to share these Care Bear birthday party ideas along with some free printable invitations. So, open the note app in your phone and write down the details that you need to highlight for the party.


7+ Happy Care Bears Kids Birthday Invitation Templates with elephant bear


          First and foremost, you need a concept and we already had done that, so we move on to the party invitation which you can take home and do all of the stuff at ease. This collection is unarguably beautiful and cute for kids, girl and boy. The alluring display of diagonal stripes of pink, yellow, red and green, they are looking so great, hence the fact I can embed a simply made white rectangle box and put it across the top and bottom center of the card.


7+ Happy Care Bears Kids Birthday Invitation Templates


7+ Happy Care Bears Kids Birthday Invitation Templates


          The white box takes a major role here, accommodating a perfect place as a base to display your party detailed information and it does its job pretty well. The interesting part doesn’t end here, as it gets along very well with the adorable Care Bear’s characters such as Braveheart Lion, Birthday Bear, Take Care bear, Polite Panda, Tenderheart Bear and so forth.


7+ Happy Care Bears Kids Birthday Invitation Templates with cute roller-skating bear


7+ Happy Care Bears Kids Birthday Invitation Templates with grumpy bear


7+ Happy Care Bears Kids Birthday Invitation Templates with birthday bear


7+ Happy Care Bears Kids Birthday Invitation Templates with sunny bear


Party Supplies

          Although, it’s like everything you need for the party is almost done instantly, you still need to buy the following ones:

  • Disposable Plate, Cup and Cutlery.
  • Balloons, Bunting Flags, Backdrop, Poster.
  • Birthday Cake, Cupcake, Candy, etc.

Download Instructions

  1. You need to left-click each image/template/preview you are going to use
  2. A new pop up page will be shown shortly, then right-click the image
  3. Select save image as and locate the destination folder
  4. After that, you can either tap your “Enter” key or click “Save” to start the download process.
  5. Software to open the file: Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Paint (Paint3d), Corel Draw and etc.

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