9+ Dragon Ball Super Z Canva Birthday Invitation Templates

by Andrew

Attending anime conventions or fests is a lot of fun. And having your convention at home would be ideal for die-hard anime fans. If you’re an “otaku,” your next party will almost certainly be anime-themed. However, you may require some assistance in planning your next party, especially when designing a fully matching themed invitation card.

Begin with the anime theme you want to use. A simple but significant theme would be best. Choose characters that you know to ensure you have a great party theme. Once decided on that, you can simply find a few inspirations on Internet. If there are no available invites with your chosen theme, you can create your own. You can search for templates online and print out your party invites. Here I made these, 9+ Dragon Ball Z birthday invitation templates as example.


9 15


8 19


7 24


6 24


5 24


4 24


3 24


2 24


1 24


I 2


H 5


G 7


F 7


E 7


D 7


C 7


B 7


A 7


You can personalize all of these invites by personalizing it using Canva Editor app. You can also add a minor detail like adding some balloons, garland and other decorations to make it special.

Follow this instruction if you want to keep these templates as your invitation card design. Here they are,

  • Scroll-up a bit and you should see the provided link that says “EDIT NOW ON CANVA”, point your mouse pointer there and click it.
  • You will be directed to Canva page in seconds and now you can instantly edit/customize our template designs and download the file.
  • How to download: Move your mouse pointer onto the “File” button (top-right) > Choose Download > Click the Download button.

For the printing material you can use card-stock paper, it’s commonly used for wedding invitation. It comes in a variety of textures, colors and thicknesses – choose which one is suitable for you. The standard print sizes of the invitation card are 5×7” and vice versa, if you want to set them in landscape orientation card.

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