(Easily Edit PDF Invitation) Floral Aesthetic Baby Shower Invitation

by Andrew

          We’ve all seen those adorable pictures of infants smashing their own cakes and crashing them into finger foods to celebrate their first birthdays—a practice known as “cake smashing.” It’s the little things that create lasting memories, and the invitation card design you choose for your celebration can do the same. I’ve discovered a fantastic source of inspiration and transformed it into these three exquisite Vintage Floral renditions if you’re looking for a different way to express yourself without having to spend money on traditional design.


Delphinium A


Delphinium C


Delphinium B


          Vintage is more than just the “retro-ish” look that uses a sophisticated text-divider and a vintage frame border. What then makes a design from today “Vintage”? Actually, it doesn’t look vintage at all, but if you look closely at the “flower decorations,” you’ll notice that they resemble a traditional wedding invitation card from the 1980s. This card was hand-painted mostly and used a lot of canvas and gold to combine the two styles into one gorgeous work of art.


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6 6


5 6


4 6


3 6


2 6


1 6


          In addition to serving as a card decoration, the text box in the center also serves as a place for your wording. You will receive matching typefaces or fonts to add a touch of authenticity to the vintage style; they look very polished and well-organized. Since our templates also editable using Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, you can replace those fonts with your own styles.

Download Information

Follow this instruction to download our templates:

  • Scroll-up a bit and you should see the provided link that says “Download Free … Invitation here”, point your mouse pointer there and click it.
  • You are going to see Microsoft Onedrive Page in a mere second and now you can download the file by clicking the download button or drop-down arrow (Almost on the top right of your display)
  • Tap “Enter” to start the download process.
  • Edit the file using Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader or any PDF editor.

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