(FREE Printable) – Cute Woodland Baby Shower Party Invitation Templates

by Andrew

Planning a party for your baby’s first birthday with baby shower

Your baby’s first birthday is indeed something very precious to celebrate with your loved one, family and friends. The shower party you plan depends on the kind of theme you have in mind. Here are a few things you may want to consider before planning the party for your baby’s first birthday.

What kind of party do you have in mind?

Is it a small gift-giving party, diaper party or a complete set of big shower party?. If you are planning to set a big shower party, you may want to satisfy your guests with a variety kinds of items. But if you want to plan a simple party for your little one, you can do it easily at home and it’s absolutely worth a try, because this event will become one of most unforgettable moment for you and your little prince or princess.


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Having an inspiration to your plan is better than nothing, here are a few things on our sites that you may want to consider to use it as your theme for the whole party. Calm down, we have a good recommendation for you, how about this Cute Woodland theme for your invitation card? It has cute design and it has six different options, so you can choose which one is your favorite and also you can still do a little customization to this card. You can fill the available spaces with the picture of you lovely baby and giving them some words to make this invitation card even better and they will come to your baby shower party for sure. Here are a few tips for you to fill the available spaces:

Hello Baby

Please Join Us For A Baby Shower Honoring

(Mom’s & Baby’s Name)

Saturday, August 14th | 2pm – 4pm



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Can’t wait to have them as your invitation template?, you can get all of them by free, you just need to right click – save or you can also click on top of which template are you going to use, then the browser will instantly pop a new page up and the template will be downloaded right now. After you already downloaded the template, you can customize it as you want.

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