You Should Know About Baby Shower Etiquette

by Grace Vitara

Are you going to host a baby shower for the first time? Maybe you’ll have some questions neighbor baby shower etiquette. Naturally, you want to make the party a truly special for the guest of honor and do not want to do a faux pas. Here is a special guide to help you do all of that. Ask t-be mother considerations to take into account at every stage. It is including food, list of invitees, games and other aspects of the baby shower.

You can hold a baby shower before or after the baby is born. Generally, they are held one or two months before the date of the party, but they can also be held after the baby arrives for medical or other reasons. Now, it is OK to close relatives or the couple themselves to host a baby shower.

Simple Etiquette For Baby Shower FoodBefore deciding on the sex of the baby shower that will you have, girls-only or coed, theme or no theme and so on, you should consult and find out what the mother to-be like. Then, who can be invited? Typically, the mother-to-be feels he should call. Do you need to send or written baby shower invitations? It would be a better choice. Written invitation will have all the details and do not rely on memory. In addition you can add instructions on how to get to the location of the party.
Baby Shower Invitation Etiquette Ideas
For the same time, informing people over the phone is also fine. Do not tell them well in advance, though. That way they will have enough time to buy and prepare gifts, and do not forget to leave a contact number so they can contact you easily if needed clarification.

You could hold a surprise shower. And of course, this will be feeling a great job for the mother to-be pregnant. However, continue to consult with someone who is close to him (mother, sister, etc.). You should know about the possibility of her preference in all areas.

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